Expressing Frustration with RNG-Dependent Quests in Dark and Darker

The exasperation with the early quests, heavily reliant on uncontrollable random factors, has become a prevalent sentiment among players. After investing around 50 hours in this wipe, the experience with quests has led to a significant level of dissatisfaction. The main source of frustration revolves around quests demanding items like Campfires and Leather Caps, turning the gameplay into a repetitive and unenjoyable cycle.

For the past 30 raids, the inventory has been cluttered with Campfires and Leather Caps, desperately sought after in every conceivable location, but to no avail. Nearly half of the second stash page is consumed by items that can’t be turned in gradually, exposing the quest system’s apparent hasty development and lack of thorough consideration.

Repeated raids have been undertaken, focusing solely on chest loot and breaking items in hopes of finding Campfires or Leather Caps. However, the cruel RNG has consistently thwarted these efforts, leading to a frustrating and stagnant progression. Key vendors like Woodsman and Leathersmith, crucial for a Ranger player, remain stuck at 1st Rep, casting a shadow over the gameplay experience.

The situation feels beyond the player’s control, compelling a loot goblin playstyle in a relentless pursuit of specific items. The expectation of repeating this process for every character amplifies the dismay. The mental exhaustion from acquiring 13 Campfires and 12 Leather Caps raises concerns about the sustainability of such a quest design.

The design, marked by painful, frustrating, and shortsighted elements, raises questions about the thoughtfulness of the quest system’s implementation. The need for continuous raids with an unfun loot-focused strategy contributes to a sense of dissatisfaction and fatigue. The realization that this process might be replicated across multiple characters intensifies the unease, challenging the player’s motivation to engage further.

The current state of questing, perceived as tacked on and rushed, has prompted doubts about Ironmace‘s ability to fulfill the game’s envisioned potential. While the vision for the game has been a source of confidence, the experience with questing has introduced an element of uncertainty, urging a closer examination and potential refinement of the quest system for a more rewarding and enjoyable player experience.

Hopefully Dark and Darker’s Quests will make changes to provide more fun and viability and reward players with more Dark and Darker gold and items. Thanks.